Beginners Level 2
Communication Skills 1:
- Being able to make contact with somebody, to greet them formally or informally, to apologize, to spell, to count up to 100
- Knowing when and how to use 'tu' or 'vous'
- Getting familiar with genders (masculine and feminine) of inanimate words
Communication Skills 2:
- Being able to introduce yourself or others and ask somebody else to introduce themselves.
- Knowing how to fill in a form
- Knowing the 'definite articles': le, la, les
- Knowing all the subject personal pronouns: je, tu, etc
- Knowing how to ask and answer questions related to name, age, address, telephone number, email address, nationality
- Knowing how to use the verbs (conjugate),être, avoir, s'appeler, 'habiter, travailler, apprendre in the present tense
- Knowing adjectives of nationality (masculine and feminine), names of countries and their gender
Communication Skills 3:
- Being able to deliver personal information
- Being able to express an opinion (penser, aimer, adorer, détester)
- Being able to express what we like and dislike, what our passions and dreams are
- Knowing how to use the negative form: ne…….pas
- Being able to talk about our hobbies/pastimes,
- Being able to ask somebody else to talk about themselves
- Knowing interrogative words: qui, quand, où, quel/le, combien
- Being able to deliver personal information about somebody else
- Being able to express possession
- Knowing when to use 'possessive adjectives': mon, ton, son, ma, ta, sa
Communication Skills 4:
- Knowing days of the week and months
- Knowing the times of day
- Knowing the prepositions + names of countries: en France, au Portugal
- Communication Skills 5:
- Being able to spell
- Knowing the alphabet
- Knowing when and how to use tu or vous
- Knowing adjective of nationalities (masculine/feminine)
- Knowing names of languages
- Knowing names of countries and their genders
- Knowing the definite articles: le, la, les
- Knowing the subject personal pronouns: je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles
- Knowing how to use and conjugate in the present tense the verbs être and s'appeler
Communication Skills 5:
- Have some notions of what the Francophonie is
To sum it up in terms of grammatical knowledge:
- definite (le,la, les) and indefinite articles (un, une, des) and when to use them
- how genders work: masculine/feminine
- singular/plural: changes
- verbs: how to conjugate (être, avoir, s’appeler); verbs in er (aimer, habiter, etc) in the present tense, which implies knowing the subject personal pronouns: je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles
- how to use the negative form: ne……….pas
- interrogative words: quel/le, qui, où, quand