Learn French

Article Index

Elementary Level 9

The level of that class corresponds to the B1 level in the CEFR: The Common European Framework of Reference For Languages
'In this class, students are expected to be able to 
- understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, shopping, leisure, travelling, etc. 
- deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. 
- produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
- describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.'

In term of grammatical knowledge* it translates in 
a) knowing when and how to use the following tenses: 
- le présent de l'indicatif
- les futurs: proche et autre
- l'impératif présent
- le passé composé and know the rules of 'agreement'
- l'imparfait de l'indicatif and have a notion of when to use one (le passé composé) or the other (l'imparfait de l'indicatif)
b) in having a notion of 
- le conditionel présent 
- le présent du subjonctif
c) in knowing when and how to use 
- les pronoms personnels compléments 'object pronouns'
. d'objet direct 'direct objects' (me, te, le, la, l', nous, vous, les)
. d'objet indirect 'indirect objects' (me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur)
. toniques 'disjunctive pronouns' (moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, elles/eux) 
* not exhaustive

For a self assessment , you can go to TABLE 2 Common Reference Level: self-assessment grid, page 35 of The Common European Framework of Reference For Languages For Languages: learning, teaching, assessment. 

Learn French

Local Radio

"French Connection"
on River FM 92.9
Saturday, 12 noon to 2pm

Upcoming Events

🎞️ Friday 7th March to Wednesday 2nd April: French Film Festival at the Palace Byron Bay. Note: Opening Night screening on Friday 7th March has been cancelled.

🤔 Cancelled: Saturday 8th March (10.00am): French Scrabble in Ballina at the Cherry Street Sports Club.  For further information, email Patricia  

🎞️  Wednesday 12th March (3.30pm): Café du Coin at Lismore's Starcourt Theatre.  Watch Out of Season followed by a chat and nibbles in the cinema's Gatsby Bar at about 5.30pm.  Buy your own drinks (nibbles provided by AFCDN - gold coin donation, please).

🤔 Saturday 15th March (10.00am): French Scrabble in Ballina at the Cherry Street Sports Club.  For further information, email Patricia

📈 Saturday 22nd March (10.00am): Annual General Meeting at the Ballina Indoor Sports Centre. Morning tea provided after the meeting.  Come along and help us plan for this year's events and celebrate five new life members of the AF Cote du Nord.

🤔 Saturday 29th March (10.00am): French Scrabble in Ballina at the Cherry Street Sports Club.  For further information, email Patricia

👩‍🎓 Monday 7th April: Term One French classes conclude this week. 

👩‍🎓 Monday 5th May: Term Two French classes commence this week.